In specific situations, you may want to reference your transactions within your merchant portal and compare them to our DaySmart software list. Transactions in CardPointe
displays all of your credit card transactions, their details and status, as well as tools to sort, filter, and search by specific criteria.
Where to view Transactions in CardPointe
Log into your CardPointe account
Go to the Reporting tab, then Transactions
Filtering Transaction Data
To narrow your search, use the drop-down menus at the top of the page
Date - Filter by floating date ranges or a specific date
Location - Filter by one or more specific locations
Amount - Filter by a minimum transaction amount, maximum transaction amount, or both
Method - Filter by the transaction method, such as Sale, Refund, etc.
Status - Filter by the transaction status, such as Captured, Declined, Refunded, etc.
Brand - Filter by the card brand used in the transaction
Front End - Filter by the processing front end, such as CardPointe Integrated Terminal, CardPointe Mobile, Virtual Terminal, etc.
Entry Method - Filter by the method used to obtain the payment data, such as EMV Swiped, Digital Wallet, etc.
You can also use the search bar at the top right if you have the transaction #, client name, card information, etc.
Transaction Status Filters
Below is a description of each available filter status that describes the current state of that transaction
Authorized - The credit card authorization request was processed.
Batched - Sales was sent to processor and is awaiting batching.
Captured - The credit card authorization was captured, and the request was processed successfully by the payments processor.
Declined - Sale was declined. Response issued directly from card issuing bank.
Failed - Request failed due to system error.
Processed - Sale was successfully processed. Funds were placed in the merchant's account.
Refunded - Transaction was created to credit a customer for a previous transaction for which they were charged.
Under Review - Transaction is being reviewed for risk assessment.
Verified - Verification status of a card
Voided - Cancelled payments that were not batched. These were payments were cancelled the same day as they were completed before the cut-off time for that day.
Tip - When a card is used for payment at your business, the transaction is Authorized right away. The authorization checks the card's bank to make sure the card holds enough money and the account is in good standing. Once cleared, the transaction will be Captured which finalizes the payment. Once the sale is delivered to your bank account, the transaction will display as Processed, showing that you have received the funds for that transaction.
Transaction Details
For additional details on a particular transaction, you can click on the Transaction # on the far left of the Transactions list. From here, you have an overview of every action performed during the transaction. You can also print or email the receipt to your client.
Tip - The Authorized amount reflects the initial sale. If a credit card tip was added, it will be included in the total and shown in the Captured amount.
Customer Information displays the information that was able to be captured from the card that was used
Process Details allows you to deep dive further into the details, including where it was processed (Front End), if the card was swiped/inserted or used manually (Entry Method), and the Authorization Code.
Transaction Details displays a breakdown of when every action was performed on the ticket