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Time Clock Overview
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over 8 months ago

Your employees can easily clock in and out of the software and have their hours worked tracked if they are paid on an hourly basis. Each time an employee clocks in or out their hours worked are calculated for payroll use.
The time clock feature may be protected with an individual password for each employee, but the feature is totally optional. If you do not wish to track hours worked in the software but still use the software's payroll features, you can set it up to prompt you for the hours worked by each employee rather than use their time clock punches (see the Payroll Settings article for more on this.)
Utilize the time clock by clicking the Clock In or Clock Out button on the button bar (right-click anywhere on the bar and choose Customize if these buttons are not already displayed), or by selecting Clock In or Clock Out from the Time Clock drop-down menu.
​Clocking In

  1. Click the Clock In button or select Clock In from the Time Clock drop-down menu.

  2. The Clock In screen will appear.

  3. Select the employee from the drop-down list.

  4. Click the Clock In button.

  5. If the employee's time clock entry is password protected, a password entry box will appear.

  6. Enter the employee's password and click the Log In button.

Clocking Out

  1. Click the Clock Out button or select Clock Out from the Time Clock drop-down menu.

  2. The Clock Out screen will appear.

  3. Select the employee from the drop-down list.

  4. Click the Clock Out button.

  5. If the employee's time clock entry is password protected, a password entry box will appear.

  6. Enter the employee's password and click the Clock Out button.

Time Clock Record Management
The Time Clock screen allows the business owner or other designated employees to access time clock records. The information displayed on the Time Clock screen is what your payroll is based on if your business operates on hourly wages. For this reason, we highly recommend password protecting the Time Clock screen and only giving access to managers and owners (see the Password & Employee Access Overview article for more on this.)

  1. Select Edit Time Clock Entries from the Time Clock drop-down menu.

  2. If this screen is password protected, an employee with access must log in here if he or she is not already logged in.

  3. The Time Clock screen will appear.

  4. Select the appropriate date range from the Date Range section.

  5. In the Advanced Search section, use the Employee drop-down list to view specific employee entries, or select (All) to view all employees' time records.

Manually Adding or Editing a Time Clock Entry: adding and editing time clock entries is useful for adding missed punches, or making adjustments in situations where a customer comes in and requests a service from an employee that has already logged out.

  1. While on the Time Clock screen, click the Add Entry button, or highlight the entry to edit and click the Edit Entry button.

  2. The Add Time Clock Entry/Edit Time Clock Entry screen will appear.

  3. Select the employee from the Employee drop-down list.

  4. Set the appropriate Date.

  5. Enter the Time In.

  6. Enter the Time Out.

  7. Add or subtract time with the Adjustment feature, i.e. 1 hour spent on lunch.

  8. Add any Comment if necessary.

  9. Click the OK button to save the entry.

Manually Deleting a Time Clock Entry: deleting a time clock entry is helpful if an employee accidentally logs in as another employee or you're replacing an entry with a new one.

  1. Click to highlight the time clock entry to be deleted.

  2. Click the Delete Entry button.

  3. The Are You Sure? screen will appear.

  4. Verify your selection and click the Yes button to permanently delete the time clock entry from the database.

Printing Time Clock Entries: printing time clock entries is important for records keeping. Some businesses require employees to sign off on their hours before collecting their paychecks.

  1. While on the Time Clock screen, select the appropriate date range.

  2. Select the appropriate employee sort options.

  3. Click the Customize View button on the left to add or remove columns as desired.

  4. You can use the Add, Remove, and Move Up, and Move Down buttons to customize the information to view.

  5. Click OK to return to the Time Clock screen.

  6. Sort to the desired display by clicking a column heading, such as Employee ID.

  7. Click the Print List button on the left.

  8. The Print Options screen will appear.

  9. Select the printer and page range options and click Print.

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